Case Study

Website Design & Development for V2 Communications

Moving you forward.

In early 2020, V2 Communications was in the midst of revealing its new name and brand design—capturing both the forward momentum and the sophistication that the agency had established over the last decade. It was our task to take this refreshed brand look and feel and translate it to V2’s website.

Visit Site

Creating A Sophisticated Web Experience

We began by delving into discovery, working closely with V2 stakeholders to better understand the brand story and vision, business and communications goals, and objectives of the site. We also strategized on the site’s information architecture, being mindful of the user experience and needs of various audiences and user personas.

V2 Communications website design landing
V2 Communications website design about us page
V2 Communications website design our services page
V2 Communications website design landing
V2 Communications website design about us page
V2 Communications website design our services page

Pixel Perfect

During the design phase, we presented pixel-perfect mockups for the homepage and other interior pages. We also determined a content plan and identified photography and videography needs.The end result? A stunning website that not only captured the newly-established brand image, but set V2 up for continued success through a revitalized user experience.

V2 Communications website design landing page
V2 Communications website design leadership page
V2 Communications website design corporate communications page
V2 Communications website design blog page
V2 Communications website design landing page
V2 Communications website design leadership page
V2 Communications website design corporate communications page
V2 Communications website design blog page

Photography and Videography

Jackrabbit did headshots of the leadership team, capturing them in a power pose that exudes their take-charge style. We also executed a full day of shooting around the office, capturing the team in their natural habitat. Shooting video footage allowed us to create an ambient video that features on the homepage.

V2 communications office showing people working and walking


After the project, Dave’s breakdown of the process made it on to their blog. Read the post to learn more about what went into creating a successful project together.

Dave Belyea sitting in conference room